Photo of Which “-ism” Do You Needed Today?

Known for his unique ability to simplify profound truths so they could be applied to everyday life, Dr. Adrian Rogers was one of the most effective preachers, respected Bible teachers, and Christian leaders of our time (from the Love Worth Finding website,

Possessing one of preaching’s most captivating voices, Dr. Rogers’ wit and wisdom were hallmarks of his messages. If you’ve ever heard him speak, he was always prepared with an anecdote or an illustration. He was disarming as well as endearing.

Throughout the years, he also became known for his “Adrianisms,” countless sayings, expressions, etc., some of which were his own, others he collected. All served the singular purpose of communicating the Gospel with clarity and power.

A few came to mind this week:

  • I’m just a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody who can save anybody.
  • You never know the ripple that will touch the shore of eternity when you drop that stone of grace into somebody’s heart.
  • Don’t ever insult God by saying that He cannot use you.
  • The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.
  • It’s my business to do God’s business, and it’s His business to take care of my business.
  • Where there is no faith for the future, there is no work for the present.
  • Faith is not believing that God CAN do something.
  • Faith is knowing that He WILL.

Even though he is currently face to face with his Savior, Dr. Rogers would never allow us to substitute an Adrianism for the powerful truth of Scripture. Rather, he would hope that we would be more closely drawn to God’s Word, what His Holy Spirit has to say to us, and what He has for us to do.

I’m not sure which “-ism” you needed today, but I’ve got a whole bunch more where those came from!