I’ll talk about this a bit during the sermon this morning, but on the last day of VBS, during the Bible Study time, I put the kids into groups of 3 or 4 and gave them a few minutes to share with their leaders questions they had… about God, about Jesus, about the Bible, about whatever… Now, an opportunity like that can go a lot of different directions (the
mind of a third grade boy is a special, special place). But what I was hoping we might gain from the exercise was information that we could provide Jen and those serving in our Children’s Ministry as we continue discipling these lives that God continues to entrust to us.
While you can probably imagine the vast array of topics and tangents the conversations included, I thought I’d also share with you a handful of the specific questions I received:
Who gives Jesus His power?
Is God’s only name God, or does He have other names?
Why does God not die?
How did Mary get pregnant?
Can you go between Heaven and Hell?
What did it look like before God created everything?
How did so many people exist after Adam & Eve?
Did brothers and sisters get married?
How do we know the Bible is real?
Was Jesus fully a person?
What color are God’s eyes?
What happens if we don’t believe in Jesus?
With that in mind, I recalled a quote I read recently from author/teacher Shane Pruitt: Young people will be discipled. They will either be discipled by social media, celebrities, unhealthy ideologies, false beliefs, etc. OR, they can be discipled by their parents, the church, the Gospel, etc. May it be the latter for the sake of a whole generation.
Church Family, if you would, prayerfully consider the role you might be able to play (if you aren’t already) as we continue to invest in our children – as well our students – making disciples that impact the world for Jesus.