Photo of 21 Days of Prayer, Devotion 5, Luke 5:1 – 6:11

This wonderful passage gives a deep insight into Jesus’ compassion for all people and His willingness to “touch” people!

 Jesus called three ordinary fishermen to be His first disciples, and they followed Him.

Then He “touched” a leper, who may not have felt a tender touch in years, and healed him. Jesus forgave the sins of a paralyzed man and then healed him, too, to demonstrate to the Pharisees His ability to forgive and to heal!

Then, He established a relationship with Levi, a tax collector (the Jews hated tax collectors), and asked Levi to follow Him, and Levi DID.  Levi threw a big party for his friends, and Jesus attended.  Jesus was critiqued for eating with sinners, but He said He came for sinners – like you and me!

Jesus even demonstrated that He was the Lord of the Sabbath and that doing good, even on the Sabbath, was permitted!

Prayer Prompts:

  • What has Jesus “called” you to do to be an active member of God’s kingdom?
  • How has God “touched” your life and made a difference?
  • When have you sensed the “presence” of God in your life?