Photo of 21 Days of Prayer, Devotion 4, Luke 4

Luke 4 begins after John has baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. He was full of the Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where He would fast and be tempted for 40 days. Throughout the Bible, we read that fasting is a powerful tool that we can use to draw closer to God through prayer. The devil does not want us to be close to God and will do all he can to put stumbling blocks in our lives to cause separation through sin.

Jesus, being fully God and fully man, was tempted with sin by the devil, just as we are today. Jesus was tempted to turn stone into bread, to seek power and authority over the kingdoms of the world, and to test God by throwing Himself from the top of the temple. Jesus showed us the perfect example of handling temptation during fasting and throughout our lives. He did not waste His breath arguing with the devil or bargaining with the devil, trying to make sin look less like sin, as so many of us will often try to do. No, Jesus used the sword from the armor of God, the written Word of God, to rebuke the devil. 

The devil tried using Scripture by misquoting and taking it out of context, but Jesus defeated the devil through His knowledge. It is so important that we not only read the Word of God but also meditate and memorize Scripture. When we memorize Scripture, we always have access to the sword, the one offensive weapon mentioned in the armor of God. What soldier would go to battle without their sword? Make sure you have your sword with you!

While you fast and pray, memorize Scripture and store it in your heart, even starting with a short verse like Luke 4:12, “And Jesus answered him, ‘It is said:  Do not test the Lord your God.’”

Prayer Prompts:

  • Self-reflect on weaknesses and stumbling blocks in your personal life
  • Ask God to give you strength, knowledge, and wisdom to use His Word to keep you from sin
  • Praise Him for His victory through Jesus