Photo of 21 Days of Prayer, Devotion 3, Luke 3

Events in Chapter 3

  • John the Baptist begins his ministry after some four hundred years without a word from God or a prophet.
  • John preaches that repentance is required for the remission of sin and begins to baptize people as a sign of repentance. This was a baptism of preparation, not transformation. Only by believing in Jesus can true salvation take place.
  • John clarified that one’s salvation is not by birthright, but by repentance and belief that Jesus is the Lamb of God.
  • John baptizes Jesus, and Heaven is opened. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Trinity) are all present. God spoke from Heaven, saying, “You are my beloved Son; with you, I am well-pleased” (Luke 3:27).
  • The chapter concludes with Jesus’ genealogy, tracing His lineage through Joseph back to Adam, the Son of God. This genealogy emphasizes Jesus’ human roots and His connection to all of humanity.

Luke highlights the ironic way God uses confounding circumstances, places, and people to illuminate that the Kingdom of God is not about riches and power but rather about humble obedience to His will. God’s use of the lowly, weak, and perplexing to accomplish His purposes demonstrates God’s power.

John likely spent over 10 years living in the wilderness around the lower part of the Jordan River at Bethabara – a desolate and challenging area. Still, people traveled many miles to John’s remote location to hear his message.

They likely traveled so far because John the Baptist was fully committed to serving God and preparing the way of the Lord. He was convinced that Jesus, the Messiah, was the way, the truth, and the life. John cried out in the wilderness to prepare people’s hearts and minds for Jesus’s arrival. John said what he meant and meant what he said.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Ask God to open the eyes of your heart for repentance and salvation
  • Ask God to guide you to embrace your identity in Christ fully
  • Ask God to enable you to share His love with others