Today’s passage is Luke 1:1-56. I fully realize, at first, that might seem like a lot, but it’s familiar and easy to read. That said, don’t let familiarity keep you from taking the time to read through it. Go ahead; I’ll be here when you get back.
Okay, now that you’ve read it, here’s a thought to consider, to meditate on…
Verse 38: “I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.”
I firmly believe one of the reasons Mary was chosen, favored by God, is because He knew her response before He ever gave her the assignment. Mary had given God her YES well before the angel ever approached her with His message.
During the next 21 days, I desire to hear God’s voice. Through His Word. Through His Holy Spirit. Through prayer. Through my Church Family and other believers. I imagine that’s your desire as well.
May He find our YES to be on the table for whatever He is calling us to!
A way to pray
Would you take time throughout the day to pray specifically for at least four people?
- a family member,
- a close friend,
- a member of our Church Family,
- and yourself.
And here’s a way to pray:
God, you have my YES.
Wherever You lead. Whatever You Ask.
Would you speak to me?
Would you speak to _____?
Holy Spirit, draw us closer to You.
In Jesus’ name. Amen