I think it was either Charles Spurgeon or Vance Havner who once said: “A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone that isn’t.”
That quote came to mind several times this week for two reasons: First, I’m not sure I can communicate or emphasize enough the importance of the journey we are about to take this summer, Grasping God’s Word.
To be the Church God desires for us to be, to accomplish the tasks He has designed for us to do, to be the person God has created you to be, to accomplish the good works He has prepared for you to do… All of the above starts by knowing His voice and knowing His Word.
Paul wrote to Timothy: “Continue in what you have learned and firmly believed” (2 Timothy 3:14).
- You have to learn the Word of God.
It’s not doing us any good sitting on a shelf or the nightstand. It’s got to get in our heads and our hearts. - You have to trust the Word of God.
God’s faithfulness and the truth of His Word have proven themselves time and time again. Christ is the solid rock on which we can stand. - You have to continue living the Word of God.
The truths of God’s Word are as relevant and applicable today as they were when they were originally written. ALL Scripture is inspired by Go and profitable for every aspect of our lives.
The second reason the quote came to mind is sitting in the room this morning. I’m incredibly excited to welcome (back) my mom who is visiting with us this week. I’ve seen her Bible. And I’ve watched her life. On every page, there are notes written and verses highlighted. Just like her heart. The binding has been repaired, and there is tape holding some pages together.
Again, just like her heart Thank you, Mom, for the legacy you and Dad have left Steven, myself, and our families.
Bibles falling apart. Lives that aren’t.