Photo of A Thousand Words.

I’m not always certain who “they” are, but “they,” say a picture is worth a thousand words. And what “they” mean is that often times a picture might communicate more effectively or more quickly than a written account or a verbal explanation.

For many, it’s simply the stronger learning style. As a visual learner, the person learns best by reading or seeing pictures; information is best learned and assimilated by sight.
For many, it’s simply an artistic bent. The picture – whatever medium has been used – tells the story in a way just using words never would be able to express adequately.

Starting today, we begin working our way through the last ten chapters of John’s Gospel, chapters that depict the last week of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. We’re calling it Portraits of the Passion, and my hope (figuratively speaking) is to paint a picture each week of the enormous depth of Christ’s love displayed throughout every step of His journey to the cross and beyond.

We’ll be looking at:

His Anointing (09/10)
The Triumphal Entry (09/17)
When He washed the Disciples’ Feet (09/24)
His teaching on the Holy Spirit, the Counselor (10/01)
The assurance of Victory (10/08)
His Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (10/15)
Judas’ Betrayal & Peter’s Denial (10/22)
His Trial (10/29)
His Crucifixion (11/05)
and, ultimately, His Empty Tomb (11/12).

Every scene, a work of art … Every picture, a demonstration of His devotion … Every portrait, an opportunity for us to share with each other and the community around us the length, width, height, and depth of God’s love… Henry Ward Beecher said: “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.”

So, as we open up God’s Word and walk through His gallery, get ready, because a thousand words aren’t even going to come close to being enough!